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Our Privacy Policy

IMPORTANT (Some legal stuff our lawyer says we have to draw your attention to)


Under this policy, “Personal Data” refers to any information about an individual, whether recorded in a material form or not and whether true or not, who can be identified from that data (whether directly or indirectly), or from that data and other data to which we have or are likely to have access to.


If you are intending to interact or engage with Hepmil, please read this privacy policy carefully, as by interacting and engaging with HEPMIL as described in this privacy policy, you are agreeing and providing your consent to the collection, use, disclosure, processing, transferring and dealing of your personal data, for the purposes as described in this policy.


We may update this policy from time to time, and changes we make to this policy will be reflected on this page. You may or may not be notified of such changes, and your continued interaction with us shall constitute your acknowledgment and consent of the changes made.

Hi there, you’ve arrived at our privacy policy. 

HEPMIL Media Group is a group of technology driven media companies which delivers engaging and entertaining content through a network of websites, platforms and channels  (collectively, “HEPMIL”). In the course of our business, we deal with the personal data of many people who we may engage with us through our network.

We value and respect your privacy and personal data, and have set out in this policy more information of exactly what we do with your personal data. This policy basically governs the collection, use, disclosure, processing, transferring and dealing of your personal data, for the purposes as described in this policy.

If at any time you have any queries in relation to your personal data which we possess, please reach out to us by means of the contact information provided below, and we would love to address any concerns you may have!


  1. When your personal data may be collected

Your personal data may be collected by us when you interact with us through our various network of platforms, websites and channels, and in particular, when you interact with us through any of the following ways:

  • As a general user, person or business when you reach out to us for any queries or business opportunities through our business contact forms hosted on our network of websites, such as the one hosted on and

  • As a treasured and valued fan, when you sign up and interact with us through our fans-only research portal at or any of our other community-related platforms.

  • As a creator, when you sign up to join our family of exciting, creative and amazing creators, including by filling up our business contact form at

  • As a participant excited to learn about the media scene, when you sign up and register for the webinars which we may host from time to time (see for example

  • Basically as a general netizen, participant, commentator and person, when you interact with us on our social media platforms (including on our Instagram account at and our Facebook page at, such as taking part in any of our lucky draws or commenting on our videos on social media platforms.

Please see Annex A for a fuller (but non-exhaustive) list of our websites/channels in addition to the examples raised above.

While these constitute some of the main channels where we may collect your personal data, we may also come into possession of and collect your personal data generally when you interact with us via correspondence and other means.


  2. What personal data do we collect?

Here at HEPMIL, we believe that we can deliver great content, great products, great laughs and great entertainment whilst still respecting the privacy of individuals. As a general rule, we collect only personal data which we need.

The personal data which we may collect include:

  • Information you provide when contacting us. This is personal information that you may provide to us when you use our business contact forms, which may include your name, your email, the organization you represent, your job role and title, and other relevant information.

  • Display Information you present about yourself. This is personal display information which you use when you interact with us, such as your Telegram user name, Facebook account name, YouTube profile name, TikTok handle, or Instagram handle.

  • Information in relation to our fans research portal. This is information we may request and you provide when interacting with us at, which may also include your date of birth and your identified gender. We may also collect demographic data such as your general economic and household information.

  • Activity on social media sites. When you interact with content from HEPMIL (for example, when you “like” any of HEPMIL’s videos, or post a comment etc.), we may have access to information you allow to be shared, such as information relating to your account of such social media sites.

  • Internet usage. Details of your visits to the websites and information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies including, but not limited to, your IP address and domain name, your browser version and operating system, traffic data, location data, web logs, other communication data, and the resources that you access.

  • Device information. Information about your operating system, browser, software applications, IP address, geo-location details, security status and other device information.

  • Other information from time to time. Other information particular to any specific activity from time to time, such as information we may request for lucky draws (such as your identification number for verification purposes).

  3. What is your personal data used for?

We use your personal data mainly for communicating with you, and for other related activities concerning our business. Uses of your personal data include:

  • Generally to communicate with you, including to respond to any queries you may have fielded to us through our business contact forms, such as to explore a potential business opportunity to work together;

  • For research purposes, especially if you have submitted information about yourself through our fans-only research portal. These may be used for statistical analysis to better understand our audience, including the number of users, the frequency of viewership and activity, profile of users and using such analysis for our business plans, the enhancement of our products and services, targeted advertisements and conveying such information in broad terms (but not information in relation to specific individuals) to our potential business partners;

  • To send you notices, information, promotions and updates including marketing and advertising materials in relation to our goods and services, which may be of interest and is relevant to you;

  • To provide and manage products and services you have requested to administer our services, including to carry out our obligations arising from any agreements entered into between you and us, or to notify you about changes to our services and products;

  • To ensure the presentation of our content is done so in the most effective manner for you and for your device, which may include passing your data to business partners, suppliers and/or service providers;

  • To comply with any request from any third party or any order of court or directive from authorities investigating any alleged offence, misdeeds and/or abuse or for the purposes of taking legal action against any users; and

  • To coordinate any delivery of prizes you may have won pursuant to any of our lucky draws or giveaways or similar marketing events.

We may also use your data of any specific purposes identified to you from time to time when we obtain your consent for such specific purposes (for example, during any ad-hoc marketing campaigns or lucky draws and other events).

  4. Do we share your personal data with other people?

We may share your data for the various purposes as described above, but generally in relation to external third parties, your personal data is shared only in a limited way. Two of these limited ways include:


  • When dealing with some of our sub-contractors and agents: We may use affiliates or other companies to provide services on our behalf such as data processing, account administration, data storage, fraud prevention and detection, analytics and marketing. In disclosing your personal data to them, we endeavour to ensure that the third parties keep your personal data secure from unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, processing or similar risks and retain your personal data only for as long as your personal data is needed to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.

  • For legal requirements: We may share your personal data with the relevant authorities to comply with our legal obligations.

We may at times also share personal data in connection with any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we satisfy the requirements of applicable data protection law when disclosing your personal data.

Apart from the above, we also share non-personal data (which may be derived by a statistical aggregation and analysis of the personal data in our possession) with our potential business partners to explore the possibility of working together. Such data will not be used in a manner enabling the personal identification of any individual. 


  5. International transfer of personal data

Because HEPMIL is an international group, we may transfer or permit the transfer of your personal data outside of your jurisdiction for any of the purposes set out in this policy. However, we will not transfer or permit any of your personal data to be transferred outside of such jurisdiction unless the transfer is in compliance with applicable laws.

  6. How do we store and protect your personal data?

Your personal data is important to us, so we do take a range of measures to ensure that your personal data is properly stored and protected! We take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is protected from unauthorized access and other risks, which include:

  • Administrative safeguards, such as restricting access to personal data to only employees and individuals who require such access and implementing password security;

  • Technical safeguards, such as implementing technology and security products and measures; and

  • Other safeguards, including choosing to work with service providers who may have access to your personal data (such as any data server service provider we may use) who also take reasonable measures to protect your personal data. We also have legal agreements with such service providers to ensure that they do so.

Notwithstanding, you recognise that in this day and age, nothing is completely secure, and we cannot guarantee complete security. Nonetheless, we are continually relooking our security measures to ensure that we maintain a reasonable standard of security with evolving times.

We only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which your information was collected, used or disclosed (or for any other legal reasons), and will cease retention of your personal data when there is no longer any business or legal purpose for which your information is used. We may, however, continue to retain and use your personally non-identifiable or anonymised personal data.

  7. Opting out or accessing and correcting your personal data

You are always free to manage your personal data preferences with us. If you wish to opt out or withdraw consent for the collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of your personal data for any of the above purposes, please reach out to us at the contact email below, and we will endeavor to respond to you as soon as possible.

When we do send you any marketing material, we will also include the relevant instructions on how you can unsubscribe.


We take reasonable measures to ensure that the personal data you have with us is updated and correct. You can always update your personal data through the accounts that you may have set up and maintained with us. In addition, if you ever wish to access your personal data in our possession, or for any corrections of your personal data which is not accessible through any of your accounts maintained with us, please likewise reach out to us through the contact email below!

  8. Internet stuff, advertising, cookies and other whatnots

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating web domain on your subsequent visits to that domain. Most web pages contain elements from multiple web domains so when you visit the website, your browser may receive cookies from several sources.


Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device. Cookies allow you to navigate between pages efficiently, remember preferences and generally improve the user experience. They can also be used to tailor advertising to your interests through tracking your browsing across websites.


HEPMIL’s websites, channels and platforms may use “cookies”, as well as other forms of technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons. When you visit any of our channels through your computer, mobile device, or any other device with Internet connectivity, the technology deployed may automatically record certain browsing data, such as the technical data and usage data. We use these to help us understand user behavior and a variety of other cases, such as security and fraud prevention, to analyse how you interact which specific parts of the website, and to facilitate and measure the effectiveness of advertisements and web searches.


  9. Country-specific laws

This privacy policy is designed to be compliant with the Personal Data Protection Act of Singapore, since our parent company (HEPMIL Media Group Pte Ltd) is based in Singapore. For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (which is the European Union’s primary data protection law), HEPMIL does not intend to nor does it specifically target subjects of the European Union (although when we expand and grow and eventually do, we’ll definitely be seeing what we need to do to update this policy and our practices).

The practices set out in this privacy policy are intended to apply to and will be practiced by all of HEPMIL’s group of companies, although each HEPMIL company in a jurisdiction outside of Singapore (shout out to our friends in Malaysia and The Philippines!) may be further subject to its own laws, regulations and authorities. In such event, this privacy policy will be subject to such additional laws, and such additional laws shall be applied in addition to what is set out in this policy.

  10. Contacting us

If you would like to request access to your personal data in our possession, or have any queries with regards to how we are dealing with your personal data, please reach our friendly data protection officer at:



Attention: The Data Protection Officer  




Annex A

List of Hepmil Websites/Channels



















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